Friday, 1 June 2012

Tanzania Photo Safari

What do you get when you add one of the greatest spectacles of nature on the planet with one of the top photography teachers of our time in one location?

A once in a lifetime Semi-Private photo tour deep inside Africa where we will be following the migratory wildebeest as they head towards the spectacle of the Mara River crossing.

The Great Wildebeest Migration is one of the “Seven New Wonders of the World”. Not surprisingly, this impressive roaming phenomenon is determined by the availability of grazing, which in turn is dependent upon rainfall. Essentially the wildebeest are taking advantage of the seasonal conditions, spending the wet season on the plains in the south-east, and the dry season in the woodlands of the north-west. However, the sheer weight of their numbers also plays an important role in shaping the environment to their needs. In total, it is said that 500,000 zebra, 1.8 million wildebeest and various 100,000 plains game animals make this cyclical journey.

Typically, the wildebeest head north-west from the short grass plains to the Western Corridor of the Serengeti and its Grumeti River. This watercourse is their first real obstacle and gigantic crocodiles are waiting for the hesitant wildebeest to stumble at the crossing. From Grumeti, the herds move north and have to cross over the Mara River with its flotillas of hungry crocodiles and waiting lions.

Please visit the Photographer's Lounge to learn more about this once in a lifetime photo tour with Rick Sammon and Keivn Pepper In August 2013

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